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Caleb Flores throwing his hands up in celebration



今年,唯一的赢家的米尔肯奖,被称为“奥斯卡教学,” 来自科罗拉多州是格里利本地人和北科罗拉多大学校友卡莱布 Flores.

Photo courtesy of the Milken Family Foundation

Since 1987, the Milken Family Foundation has been recognizing top educators across the United States. Known as the “Oscars of Teaching,” Milken Educator Awards荣誉卓越奖,特别针对职业早期到中期 目前正在做伟大的事情并显示出希望的专业教育 that those accomplishments will continue. This year, the sole winner of the $25,000 来自科罗拉多州的获奖者是格里利本地人和北科罗拉多大学校友 Caleb Flores. 

Flores, ‘16, M.A. “21,是一门英语语言艺术,阅读和文化语言学 Diverse teacher at Greeley West High School. He was surprised with the award during a school assembly on Dec. 15 that was presented by Milken Educator Awards Senior Vice President Dr. Jane Foley and Colorado Commissioner of Education Susana Córdova. 

“我听到他们叫我的名字,我简直不敢相信,我在发抖. It felt surreal," Flores told the Milken Family Foundation.

弗洛雷斯被描述为公平教育的倡导者,确保所有学生都能获得公平教育。 特别是那些英语学习者可以访问这些资源。 他们需要成功的教室内外. He also serves as a 格里利西部新聘用的导师老师,以及家庭和社区联络员 at the community college and in the high school.

“我的祖父去上学在德克萨斯州,他会用桨打每一次他 spoke Spanish. 所以,有这样的观点,时间并不总是最容易的, 我教,因为我想让我的学生知道他们是什么样子,他们来自哪里 无论他们说什么语言,他们都能创造自己的东西。” Flores told the Milken Family Foundation. 

Flores letting his wife know he won the award

弗洛雷斯是全国仅有的75位将在2023-24年获得荣誉的获奖者之一。 as part of the Milken Family Foundation’s Journey to the 3,000th Milken Educator. 阅读更多博天堂官方网站他的成就和看到更多他的反应 to receiving Colorado’s only 2023-24 Milken Educator Award. 

Caleb Flores拿着一张大支票,学生们站在他身后

Caleb Flores hugging one of his male students

students holding up 25,000 in poster numbers

Caleb Flores holding up his big 25,000 check

Photos courtesy of the Milken Family Foundation

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